Definitive Yoga Guides for Beginners and Experts

Types of Yoga Explained

Types of Yoga Explained

How to Choose Your Yoga Type Confused About so Many Different Types of Yoga? You are not sure which one…

Guide to Poses, Benefits & History of Yoga

When you’re brand new to yoga, it can be challenging and complicated to know where and how to begin. Our Yoga for Beginners guide was written specifically for you, and it contains all of the information, guidelines, and recommendations you’ll need to get started with a successful yoga practice. If you’re out of shape or extremely inflexible, we recommend starting with gentle practice until you’ve gained the strength and flexibility to tackle more difficult sequences. If you are reasonably fit and flexible, you ought to be able to join a regular hatha yoga class right away. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you can try a vinyasa or flow class.

Yoga for Beginners

If you’ve been wanting to try a yoga class but are worried about being a beginner, don’t be. We’re here to calm your nerves and help you get ready for your first yoga class. The most important thing to remember is that most yoga studios are friendly places—no one will judge you for being a beginner! Yoga is all about bringing your mind and body together through movement and breath.

Yoga pose

Yoga has been practiced for nearly 5,000 years, with some researchers claiming it dates back as far as 10,000 years. The Rigveda, an ancient spiritual text, mentions yogic teachings. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, which loosely translates to “to yoke,” “to unite,” or “to join,” which makes sense given how yoga was viewed in its early stages: as a means of trying to unite the physical body with the divine nature.