Rome Attractions 2025
If you’re looking for the perfect holiday destination this summer, look no further than the amazing cities Italy has to offer. Italy is a spectacular country, and it’s easy to see why so many people flock there each year.
Whether you’re looking to go on a short weekend break, or a longer family holiday, Italy has it all, not least a fantastic climate. Furthermore, the country is also home to stunning stretches of coastline, so if you’re in the market for a tan, you’ll have plenty of beaches to choose from. Italy is a hub for historic architecture, art, sport, music and food, and if you’re a tourist that likes to do a bit of sightseeing, then here are some of the best spots to get your camera out.
The city of Rome is not only the old Roman Empire, it carries the vestige of many epochs, the medieval, the Renaissance, baroque and so on. The perfect city to spend few days surrounded by history.
Wondering through Rome is like a time travel, a trip rich in fascination and atmosphere that attracts millions of tourists from everywhere in the world.
The Rome monuments represent the higher and obvious sign of its history. Amazing symbols and testimony of the ancient Roman Empire. Masterpieces of architectural engineering, such the Colosseum, Sant’Angel Castle, the Pantheon, to take those just most famous.
Famous monuments in Rome
The monuments of ancient Rome are studied all over the world! You’ll be spoiled for choice in the city, which has over 50 major Roman landmarks to explore. When you visit these wonders, you will feel a connection to an empire that spanned Europe, Africa, and western Asia.
Altare Della Patria
Piazza Venezia
Among the most famous of Rome, the Altare Della Patria (Altar of the Country) is one of the most visited. From 1921 it guards the spoils of the Unkown Soldier.
Today it represents the memorial par excellence of the Italian unity and its freedom. The true purpose of this monument was to bring together symbolically all Italy through the use of sculpture group such Thought, Action, Concord, Strength, Rights.
The work to edify the Altare Della Patria started in 1885 and ended in 1888. The also called “Vittoriano” shows itself as a mighty building, with 81 meters of a height and 135 of width.
The monument can be subdivided into 4 main elements: the stairway, the front porch, the columns and two propylaea on both sides.
Some of the elements that artistically enrich the Altar are vegetables symbols like the palm leaf for the victory, the oak for the strength, the laurel for the peace, the myrtle for the sacrifice, and the olive tree for the concord.
In 2007 has been set up an observation deck, on the back side of the monuments, it is reachable through an elevator or ascending 196 steps. From here you can enjoy a beautiful 360° view of the city. From here you can also enjoy of a beautiful view of Rome.
How to get to Altare Della Patria
- By Bus with lines 81, 85, 87, 186, 571, 810, 850, stop “Piazza Venezia”.
- Subway line B, stop “Colosseo”
- Walking along Via del Corso.
The Pantheon (the term derived from Greek and mean All Gods Temple) is an ancient Rome building, situated in the Pigna district.
This structure is one of Rome’s oldest and most iconic – a 2,000 year old temple that was turned into a church. The Pantheon has been extremely influential in the West, and passing though it is an experience like no other. Towering bronze doors overshadow the entrance, and as you marvel at the size of the structure, you won’t be able to keep your eyes off the beautiful and intricate architecture.
Modern designs and architects continue to applaud the creative talent that was bestowed on this structure. As one of the country’s biggest achievements in terms of architecture, it continues to keep Italy at the forefront of historical monuments. Sadly, the blistering heat of Rome continues to chip away at the exterior, however much of the interior remains intact. Visit Auto Europe for great car rental deals when visiting Italy this year.
Founded in 27 B.C. by Marco Vispanio Agrippa. Rebuild by emperor Adriano between 120 and 124 A.D., after that the fires of 80 and 110 A.D. had damaged it.
The Pantheon was converted into a Christian Basilica at the beginning of the 7th century with the name of Santa Maria della Rotonda. Nowadays it prides itself with the status of Minor Basilica.
It’s one of the more known historic building of Rome, visited by millions of people. At the high point of the dome, there is the “oculo”, a hole that allows the illumination of the big hall.
Despite 2000 years have passed, the Pantheon dome is still the biggest of the world building with unreinforced concrete. The inside is airy and enveloping.
On the lower level, there are six niche and two columns in the front. The pavement is made of granite, concave in the middle and thanks to some holes, the rain can not accumulate inside.
Various historical figures were buried here, some of them really illustrious like Queen Margherita di Savoia, King Umberto I di Savoia, King Vittorio Emanuele II di Savoia.
How to get to the Patheon
- By bus with lines 80, 492, 62, 314, 81, 706, 30
- Subway line A, stop “Barberini” from there 18 minutes walking.
Spanish Steps
The Spanish Steps is a symbol of Rome and one of the most famous squares. Its name originates from Palazzo di Spagna, headquarter of the Spanish embassy.
Around the square, there are a series of monuments that add value to it. An example is the beautiful Trinità dei Monti stairway with over 135 steps.
One of the most appreciated artistic works is the Fontana della Barcaccia. Crafted by Pietro and Gian Lorenzo Bernini in 1629 and situated right in the center of the square.
Just on the right of the stairway, you can visit the house-museum of the English poet John Keats, that lived and died here in 1821, and of Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Obviously, the stairway represented the architectonical element more evident in the square, surely you can’t miss it! Pope Benedetto XIII inaugurated it in 1725 and its function was to link Spanish Bourbon embassy and the church Trinità dei Monti.
How to get to Spanish Steps
- Subway line A
Colonna Traiana (Traiana Column)
The Colonna Traiana rise just at the beginning of the Fori Imperiali, just after Piazza Venezia.
It’s a monument realized to glorify the conquest of Dacia (from 101 A.D. to 106 A.D.) by the Emperor Traiano. The spiral ornament carved over all the column depicts the more meaningful stages of that expansion.
It also represents a novelty in the ancient art. 29,78 meters high, but with the dome and the basement, it reaches almost 40 meters. The ornament is 200 meters long and shows between 100 and 150 scenes and about 2500 figures.
How to get to the Colonna Traiana
- By subway, line A, stop Colosseo
Arco di Costantino (Constantin Arch)
Close to the Colosseum, The Arco di Costantino is one of the supreme examples of the sculptor’s art, like an open book, full of praiseworthy refinement, an artistic jewel.
Its dimension: 21 meters high, 25,9 meters wide, 7,4 meters in depth. Built to honor the victory of Costantino against Massenzio in the Ponte Milvio battle of the October 28th, 312.
How to get to the Arco di Costantino
- By subway, line A, stop Colosseo.
Arco di Tito (Tito Arch)
The Arco di Tito is one of the most important and oldest arches of Rome, built in the first Century is situated on the Colle Palatino and is characterized by only one supporting arch.
It represents the monument-symbol of the era Flavia, thanks to its architectonical, structural, and artistic innovations.
The Tito Arch was built to commemorate the war fought by the Emperor in Galilea.
How to get to Tito Arch
- By subway line B. Or line A then bus 85.
The Colosseum, also known as Flavio amphitheater, is an extraordinary example of Italian (and worldwide) ancient architecture, so much to be considered a symbol of Italy.
The Colosseum is one of, if not the most famous historical attraction in Italy, and millions of people travel from all over the world to see it. Built as a salute to the Roman people and the county’s armed forces, the Colosseum signifies the raw power of the Roman Empire, and it’s hard not to be in awe of its sheer size. Once a place of entertainment, religion and death, Gladiators used to fight each other, as well as dangerous animals, to earn the respect of their fellow countrymen. In front of over 50,000 spectators, emperors would decide whether slaves lived or died, and it used to be a place where people could pray to the Gods too.
Over 2,000 years on, the Colosseum remains the heart and soul of Italian history, and one of the reasons why Rome is so popular. The structure is a path to the past amongst a flurry of modern department stores and luxury restaurants, and it is one of the very few structures left standing that encapsulates the stunning architecture, design and creativity of the period.
Included both on the World Heritage List and in the new seven wonders of the world list. The Colosseo is also the bigger world’s amphitheater, it is estimated that it could contain between 50.000 and 75.000 people.
Together with the Palatino, the Foro Romano and the Arco di Costantino, it’s one of the archeological areas more visited in the world, and surely the Rome touristic itinerary more attended.
Its origin date back to Imperial Rome, under the rule of Flavis and Vespasiano. The latter began the construction in 72 A.D. and then inaugurated in 80 A.D. by Tito.
The dimension is considerable, the major axes reach 187,5 meters, the internal arena measured 87 x 54 meters and the maximum height reached 48,5 meters.
The name Colosseo began to circulate in the medieval and originated from a distortion of the Latin word “Colosseum” meaning colossal, huge.
The inside is majestic as the outside, to visit the Colosseo you need time, to really appreciate its beauty.
How to get to Colosseum
- By subway, line A, stop Colosseo.
Castel Sant’Angelo (Saint Angel Castle)
Saint Angel Castle is situated a few hundred yards from San Peter Basilica and close to Ponte Sant’Angelo. It’s connected to Vatican City by a fortified corridor called “passetto”.
Its origin date back to 125, at the will of Emperor Adriano, as his funeral monument.
The term Castle was given by Onorio in 359, including it within Rome walls. This change transformed the Castle into a fortress.
How to get to Castel Sant’Angelo
- By subway, line A
Massenzio Basilica
A monumental work. Built between the 306 and the 312 by the will of Masenzio and completed by Costantino I.
The dimensions were significant, and even if today is largely destroyed, you can sense its majesty.
How to get to Basilica di Massenzio
- By subway, line A.
- By bus, line 40, 280, 490, 444, 905, 75
The Campidoglio is actually the Municipalities headquarters, and together with Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori constitute a historical circuit of great tourist interest.
The building underwent several changes until Popo Paolo III
entrusted the rebuilding project to Michelangelo.
Nowadays, the square and the three buildings can be reached ascending the “Cordonata”, a stairway that ends with two majestic statues, the Dioscuri and their horses.
How to get to Campidoglio square
- By bus, line 87, 51, 30, 105, 81, 60.
Cappella Sistina (Sistine Chapel)
The Sistine Chapel and its frescoes are one of the more extraordinary pictorial works never conceived. It’s situated inside the San Peter Basilica, and measure 41 meters in length, 13 in width, and 21 in height.
Michelangelo is not the only one who decorated the chapel, other artists contributed, among them Mino da Fiesole, Andrea Bregno e Giovanni Dalmata. The things that the more attract the attention are the frescoes that decorate all the Chapel’s walls, beginning with the “Giudizio Universale (Last Judgment).
The implied message is to represent all the human spiritual history, from the Creation to the end of the world.
Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi
The Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (the four river fountain) rise in its majesty in the center of Piazza Navona,
The superb work of art is coming to us thanks to Lorenzo Bernini that built it between July 1648 and June 1651 and commissioned by Pope Innocenzo X.
Another function of this fountain is to be a support for an Egyptian obelisk copy.
In the center of an elliptical tub stand four figures, impersonating the four continent big rivers: the Nile, the Ganges, the Danube, and Rio della Plata.
How to get to Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi
- By bus, lines 87, 64, 30, 492, 70
- By subway, line A, stop Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps)
Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain)
The Trevi Fountain is probably one of the most celebrated in the world, and surely the most famous of Rome. If you’re looking for somewhere to cool down whilst visiting Rome this summer, make sure you take a trip to Trevi Fountain. This monument is one of the city’s highlights, and built in 1732, it was even a prop in the Hollywood blockbuster La Dolce Vita!
Its origin dates all the way back to antiquity, but its present appearance dates back to 1732, thanks to Nicola Salvi. The work was terminated by Giuseppe Pannini in 1762.
The fountain leans against a side of Palazzo Conti di Poli and is made of different materials like tufa, marble, plaster, stucco, and metals.
The subject of the composition is the sea. A three-step stairway was necessary due to a difference in the level of the two square’s sides.
How to get to Fontana di Trevi
- By bus, lines 51, 85, 71, 160, 80.
Piramide Cestia (Cestia pyramid)
The Cestia Pyramid is a unique monument in Rome, an Egyptian-style pyramid built between 18 B.C. and 12 B.C.
The pyramid is located close to Porta San Paolo, in the Ostiense district and it’s incorporated in the Mura Aureliane (Aurelian Walls). It was built to house the tomb of Gaio Cestio Epulone; it’s made of concrete, bricks, and slabs of Carrara marble.
It’s 36 meters high but today it seems lower because the road surface has been raised in the course of time. It was realized in only 330 days.
How to get to Piramide Cestia
- By bus, line B, stop “Piramide”
Teatro di Marcello (Marcello Theather)
he Marcello Theather represent one of the oldest building set up for entertainment survived to the present day. Its construction began thanks to Giulio Cesare and terminated by Augusto in 17 B.C. who dedicated it to its nephew and future Emperor Marcello.
It’s located in Campo Marzio, between the Tiber and the Campidoglio. The theater could accommodate about 15000 spectators.
How to get to Marcello Theather
- By bus, lines 44, 716, 23
Trinità dei Monti
Trinità dei Monti rises above the Spanish Steps stairway, it dates back to 1502 but terminated in 1519. It was consecrated in 1585 by Pope Sisto V.
Trinità dei Monti is surely one of the most known churches of Rome and both its architectonic beauty and the works of art inside make of this church a true treasure trove of art.
How to get to Trinità dei Monti
- By subway, line A, stop Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps)
Rome Archeological sites
Rome is a magnificent and disorganized jumble of ancient sites. As you walk through the city, you are transported back in time to the right and left. It’s debilitating. You can hear Julius Caesar and his ilk speechifying, promenading, and leading victory parades through the Roman Forum if you listen carefully.
Circo Massimo (Circus Maximus)
The Circus Maximus is one of the most known and magnificent monuments in Rome. It’s situated between Colle Avertino and Palatino and was created to held horses races.
It’s strategic position (a flat area near the river Tiber) made of it the perfect place for commercial activities, to barter, games and races.
At the time, with its 600 meters of length and 140 of width, it was the biggest entertainment structure.
Nowadays, there’s nothing left of its ancient glory, today is mainly used for concerts and events.
How to get to Cicus Maximus
- By subway, line B, stop Circo Massimo.
- By bus, lines 628, 81, 160, 673
Foro di Augusto
The Foro di Augusto is an archeological site located between the Fori Imperiali and the Altare della Patria. Its function was of propaganda, to celebrate Augusto with statues and decorations.
It was inaugurated in 2 B.C., the same year that Augusto obtained the “Father of the Nation” title.
Its dimension was huge, 120 x 120 meters and it was bounded by 33 meters of high walls.
How to get to Foro di Augusto
- By subway, line A and then bus 85. Line B then bus 87.
- By bus line 70.
Foro Romano
The Foro Romano is well known all over the world and together with the Colosseum and the Palatino constitute a complex of monuments between the most beautiful of Italy.
It’s located in the heart of the ancient Rome, in the valley between the Palatino and the Campidoglio and it represented the politic, religious, and commercial center of Rome.
The monuments in the Foro are numerous and there are different visiting tours, each one follows its itinerary.
How to get to Foro Romano
- By subway, line B.
- By bus line 87, 85, 115, 780.
The Palatino, one of the seven hills of Rome, is one of the most archeological sites visited in Rome. You can visit imperial buildings and deities temples.
An old legend says that Rome was originated on the Palatino, and recent excavations support this theory, it seems that here, since 1000 B.C., there was a little village.
How to get to Palatino
- By subway, lines A, and B.
- By bus, lines 75, 81, 85.