National Parks Guide

Yellowstone Planning Tips

Yellowstone Planning Tips

Yellowstone Visitors Best Travel Tips Setting out on a family adventure to Yellowstone? Before you go, there’s nothing like gleaning…

It may not seem like it now, as you sit in your office on the third floor of your largely concrete office building or look at the line of customers quickly forming in front of you, but the United States is actually full of natural beauty. Every state has relatively untouched gems in the form of national parks, and spring is a wonderful time to strap on your hiking boots and get to know them.

US National Parks are breathtaking reflections of Mother Nature’s beauty and grace. They will tantalize your senses, spark your imagination, and truly stir your soul.  Whether you’re looking for the most beautiful vacation ever, or you’re just looking to get away for a nice weekend, I will help you find the perfect destination at one of the US National Parks. I will provide you with breathtaking photos, details, reviews of incredible hiking trails, and tips on getting the best out of a budget vacation.

Must-Visit National Parks to Visit

From the majestic peaks of Colorado National Parks to the tranquil forests of California National Parks to the deep canyons of Utah National Parks get ready for the virtual ride of your life to the spectacular and amazing United States National Parks. From rays of brilliant light at Antelope Canyon near Glen Canyon National Recreation Area to the beautiful lavender sunsets from Clingman’s Dome at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, you will witness vision after magnificent vision of Mother Nature’s beauty in our National Parks blog posts.

US National Parks by State

America’s national parks are like a compendium of kingdoms, each with its own crown jewels and Nature firmly seated on the throne. Yes, the US government oversees them, but these parks were set up to protect, not to be presided over. There are 62 national parks in the United States, with some states having only one and others, such as California and Alaska, having nine and eight parks, respectively.








  • Haleakala National Park
  • Hawaii Volcanoes National Park


  • Yellowstone National Park








  • Death Valley National Park
  • Great Basin National Park

New Mexico

North Carolina

  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park

North Dakota

  • Theodore Roosevelt National Park


  • Cuyahoga Valley National Park


  • Crater Lake National Park

South Carolina

  • Congaree National Park

South Dakota







  • Grand Teton National Park
  • Yellowstone National Park

American Samoa

  • National Park of American Samoa

US Virgin Islands

  • Virgin Islands National Park

National Parks – Get Out of Your Car!

The National Park system in the United States is full of beauty and surprises. Still, you’ll be wondering if they’re worth it when you run into the crowds of other visitors.

Road Side Viewing

Sure, millions of people visit our national parks each year, miles of cars creep through at a painfully slow pace, parking lots are full and busses are packed. Cars stop in the middle of the road to view wildlife, backing up traffic for miles.

Is it all worth it? Should I just get stuck in a Los Angeles traffic jam with a DVD player showing some nice mountain scenery?!

I travel through the Rocky Mountain Nation Park, using Trail Ridge Road, on a regular basis throughout the summer to reach some of my favorite fly fishing spots on the other side of the divide. I also have hiked many of the park trails. Let me tell you, I have seen the frustration of the gridlock national park experience.

Do you think the national park experience is looking out the window of your car or bus? How about stopping at the most popular scenic spots that are located within a stone’s throwing distance from the parking lots? If you do, well, you likely have missed out on 95 percent of the park and a serine magical experience that only those willing to put on the hiking boots get to see.

The system of roads in a National Park is designed to minimize the impact on the park. It is not designed to get you to the best places. If you do not get off your butt and hike a bit, you are not seeing the beauty of the park. Sure, you may have to deal with the cattle drive to reach your desired trailhead, but a leisurely stroll of about 1 mile leaves the hordes of armchair parkgoers long behind. You could be standing shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of people looking across Bear Lake at one moment, and in near solitude one hour later if you’re willing to exert just a bit more energy than the majority of the park visitors.

Thank goodness for the fast-food armchair lifestyle!!!! Get on those boots and leave the crowds behind. It’s worth it.