Humphrey Bogart Tour

Here is an exhaustive list of places to visit on your Humprey Bogart Tour – Coast to Coast!. His residences, schools, hangouts and other notable (and some less notable} addresses throughout his life.

Maud Humphrey
Painting of Bogart in 1937 by his mother, Maud Humphrey

Humphrey Bogart Tour: New York 1899-1933

Mr. Humphrey DeForest Bogart was born on December 25, 1899, to Maud and DeForest Bogart, at Sloans Maternity Hospital in New York.  His mother was a respected artist and illustrator, using her maiden name Humphrey professionally. His father was a surgeon in Manhattan giving Bogie a comfortable, at least materially, childhood.  Both his parents were alcoholics and often distant towards Humphrey and his sisters.  While young Humphrey enjoyed fishing, sailing, hunting, and hiking with his father, he once said that while he respected his mother, he could not honestly say he loved her.

Skyline of New York, 1905


Sloans Maternity Hospital, 59th St. and 9th Ave. – Midtown Manhattan (No longer stands)

Childhood Homes

245 West 103rd St. 1899 – 1925

Bogart’s parents bought this four-story Brownstone with Bay windows in 1898. The first floor was the parlor and Dr. Bogart’s office. It had mahogany – paneled walls and green carpet.  The third floor was Maude Humphrey’s art studio and nursery.  The fourth floor was the bedrooms.  The roof is where Dr. Bogart had his pigeon coops.

Daytonian in Manhattan: The Humphrey Bogart House -- No. 245 West ...
245 West 103rd St.

The house was filled with tapestries, urns, carved ceilings, potted, and rubber plants.  There were classical statues that held light fixtures with alabaster shades. The floors were covered with oriental rugs. Across the street was the Hotel Marseilles.  This hotel is best known for being the permanent home for Sara Delano Roosevelt,  mother of FDR.

Seneca Point – on Lake Canandaigua, near  Rochester, in the Finger Lakes

In August 1899 Dr. Bogart bought the old lakefront property from the widow of a wealthy brewer. Maude was five months pregnant with Humphrey. The house, which was built in 1871, was christened “Willow Brook”. The fifty-five acres included a working farm, ice house, stretches of manicured lawns, and a dock with a sailboat. This was their summer home until September 1916.

79 East 56th St. NYC – 1925 – 1931

In 1925 the family moved into this converted brownstone.

Tudor City – East Side – 1931

Bogart’s parents moved into a less expensive apartment. His mother lived on one floor while his father lived on another.

25 Prospect Place – University Hts. – Bronx

Across from the Harlem River, Dr. Bogart’s office from 1932 – 1934

Schools Bogart Attended

During 1905-1918,  Bogart attended three schools:


first – fourth grade

Trinity prep school

39 West 91st St. – Between Columbus and Amsterdam Aves.  1909 – 1917 – fifth – eleventh grade.

In his teenage years, he attended Trinity prep school, but his father felt that institution was not strict enough for the adventurous Bogie and he was sent to Phillips Academy in Massachusetts to prepare for Yale medical school.  His grades were always below average, though is teachers always felt he was more than bright.  He didn’t get along well with his classmates as many of them felt he was spoiled.  He became sullen and sarcastic when things didn’t go his way.

Phillips Academy

180 Main St.  Andover, Mass. – September 1917 – May 1918   His room was Number Five, Taylor Hall,  he was kicked out.


Early in the spring of 1918 Bogie enlisted in the Navy, hopeful of seeing France during WWI.  His assignment after training camp was aboard the Leviathan transporting troops between Hoboken, NJ and Liverpool, England.  He continued on the Leviathan until after the war.

Naval Reserve Training Station, Pelham Bay, Long Island, New York

Joined the Navy in June 1918 and took his basic training here.  Was Seaman #1123062. Discharged June 18, 1919.

Bogart in his Twenties

Bogie started working in the theater during the ’20s and landed bit parts in the movies throughout the early 1930s.  On Broadway and in his early movies for Fox Studios, he played the rich playboy with such memorable lines as “tennis anyone?”  His big break came when the playwright Robert Sherwood chose him to play Duke Mantee in his play “The Petrified Forest”.  The play was a huge success, largely due to Bogie’s portrayal of the hard and completely evil villain, Duke Mantee.

Waverly Place, Greenwich Village

Actor Kenneth MacKenna had an apartment here in 1925. He and Bogart were friends and they spent a lot of time here. In 1938, MacKenna married HB’s second wife Mary Phillips.

Waverly Place, Greenwich Village
Waverly Place, Greenwich Village

Riverside Drive – Manhattan

Producer William A. Brady Sr. and actress/wife Grace George lived here in the twenties.  Brady, a family friend, gave Bogart his first theatrical job, at the urging of his wife, as a stage manager.

The Playhouse – West 48th St.

Owned by William Brady.

Playhouse Theatre New York, NY
Playhouse Theatre ; photo IBDB

52 Gramercy Park Place, The Gramercy Park Hotel

May 20, 1926, Humphrey married wife number one, Helen Menken, in the Menken’s apartment. It has been said that Bogart married the woman whom he was most in love with at the moment. The truth of the matter is a little different, he married his first wife, Helen Menken, more as a career move than out of love. While indeed infatuated with her, it was her position as a well-known actress on Broadway that influenced his decision to marry her.  They divorced in 1926, less than a year after they married.

Helen and Humphery Bogart
Helen Menken

43 East 25th St.

Bogie and Menken’s apartment before and during their marriage. They divorced Nov. 18, 1927.

Hartford, CT.

April 13, 1928, Bogart married wife number two, Mary Phillips (25) at her mother’s house. They had been friends for several years before he proposed to her. In 1930, Bogart decided to try Hollywood as his career was moving slowly in New York.  Mary had no intention of moving to the west coast and Bogart had no intention of moving back to New York. At this time he was working sporadically and had no major roles, she supported them both for the most part until they divorced in 1936.

Mary and Humphrey Bogart
Mary Phillips

Fairfield, CT.

Summer, 1928, Bogart rented a country home here. 434 East 52nd St.,- Near the East River

Bogie and Mary lived in a shabby apartment in 1932 to 1933.  In 1933 he made his third and last trip to Hollywood. He would never live in New York again.

Humphrey Bogart Tour: California – 1933-1957

In 1936, Warner Brothers Movie Studio bought the rights to the play and, as the legend goes, wanted Edward G. Robinson to play the part of Mantee.  However, Leslie Howard, who had played the lead in the play and was to repeat the role in the movie, refused to be in it unless Bogie was cast in the part he knew so well.  Howard, fortunately for all of us, won out.  However, Bogart remained the number two man or in bit parts until 1941 with the release of High Sierra.  His career continued to grow until the release of Casablanca in 1943, forever cemented him in the minds of fans as a somewhat “dangerous” but very romantic lead.

Home Addresses in the Thirties

The Hollywood Tower Apartments 1930 – 1931

6200 Franklin Ave. He is said to have stayed here on his first Los Angeles visit.

The Chateau Elysee 1932 – 1933

Stayed here during his second visit.


Bogart made his third and final trip to Hollywood to appear in the Warner Brothers film version of the Broadway hit “The Petrified Forest”, reprising his stage role as Duke Mantee. He was here to stay.

During the first few months, he may have stayed at the Chateau Elysee.

The Garden Of Allah March 1935 – July 1936

8152 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood
Bogart moved into a small bungalow that had a parlor, bedroom, and bath. His rent was $300 a month. His neighbor in bungalow 20 was writer and humorist Robert Benchely, father of writer and Bogart biographer Nat Benchley and grandfather of writer Peter Benchley, author of Jaws.    While Bogart was making movies his wife Mary was in New York on stage. He started having an affair with soon to be wife number three, Mayo Methot. She occasionally stayed here with him until Mary returned.  They were divorced on June 21 1937.

Stone Canyon Road – Bel Air

The home of Mel and Mary Baker.  Bogart met actress Mayo Methot while working on “Marked Woman” in 1937.  Mayo was known in Hollywood for her violent temper and heavy drinking (her nickname in Hollywood and with Bogart was “Sluggy” also the name of the boat he owned during their marriage).  During their courtship or affair,  Mayo wrangled a proposal out of Bogart and they were married in August of 1938.

Mayo and Humphrey Bogart
Mayo Methot

It is generally believed that Bogart was completely faithful to Mayo during their marriage, that is until filming began on To Have and Have Not in 1944.  Warner’s cast a young unknown model named Lauren Bacall to play the part of ‘Marie’. The attraction on the set between the two soon spilled over into real life and Bogart and Bacall were soon discussing marriage and Bogart asked Mayo for a divorce.

Home Addresses in the 1940s

Bogart, usually typecast as a gangster/villain until the early 1940s when his screen characters became more fully developed, was a cross between anti and reluctant hero.  Often portraying men with at best dubious pasts, he brought each a rich and complex depth that has stood for the “film noir” era of Hollywood.  The characters in his WWII films, Beat the Devil and African Queen show the range of his abilities.   His work stands the test of time as his popularity remains very high with each new generation of movie fans.  The American Film Institute recently voted him the number one movie star of all time.

During the years of 1943-1949, he was ranked with the top ten biggest box office draws and was one of the highest-paid actors of his day.  During those years, he also co-starred with a young model just breaking into the movies named Lauren Bacall.  Though many years her senior, they fell hopelessly in love and after a messy divorce to then-wife Mayo,  (whom with Humphrey, were known as the “Battling Bogarts”),  Bogie married his Baby in 1945.  They starred together in five pictures together, before Lauren temporarily retired to raise their two children, Steven and Leslie.

8787 Shoreham Drive – Hollywood  1938 – 1942

He and Mayo lived here for the first few years of their marriage.

1210 Horn Ave – Hollywood  January 1942 – 1945

They lived here during the last few years of their turbulent marriage. His nickname for Mayo was Sluggy and he called this house “SLUGGY HOLLOW”

The Chateau Marmont 1930s – November 22, 1940

8221 Sunset Blvd. Maud Humphrey Bogart, Bogart’s mother lived here until her death.

275 South Reeves Drive, Beverly Hills 1943 1944

Lauren Bacall lived in this small apartment with her mother when she started her affair with Bogart.

Beverly Hills Hotel, October 19 to November 1, 1944

9641 Sunset Blvd – Bogart and Mayo separated. He moved into the Beverly Hills Hotel, Room 207. Whenever he moved out of his house, he stayed here.

Garden Of Allah – Villa 8  1944

8152 Sunset Blvd. West Hollywood. Bogart and Bacall’s love nest during their affair. Bogart and Bacall stayed here for several months after getting married.

Bogart and Mayo were divorced on May 10, 1945. Bogart and Bacall were married on May 21, 1945.

Malamar Farm

Not a residence, b Humphrey Bogart and Miss Betty Bacall were married at Malabar Farm. Famous ranch of Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and friend of Bogart, Louis  Bromfield.

Malamar Farm
Malamar Farm

Kings Road – Beverly Hills 1945 – 1946

The Bogarts moved into a three-story house above Sunset Blvd. that overlooked West Hollywood.

2707 Benedict Canyon Road – Beverly Hills, April 1946 – 1951

This L-shaped ranch style house was owned by Hedy LaMarr and her husband John Loder. They called it “Hedgerow Farm”. When the Loder’s split up in 1946 Hedy rented it to the Bogarts. When the Bogarts moved out in 1951, English actor and all-around boozer Robert Newton moved in. He lived here until his death in 1956. During that time he made a handful of films, starred in the Disney tv series “Treasure Island” as Long John Silver, and tried to drink Hollywood dry. Later on Ann-Margaret and her husband Roger Smith would live here.

2707 Benedict Canyon Road
2707 Benedict Canyon Road – Beverly Hills

Bogart and Bacall’s Holmby Hills House  June 1952 – January 14, 1957

232 South Mapleton Drive, Holmby Hills, Beverly Hills. The Bogart’s paid $165,000 to $170,000 for this two-story, fourteen room whitewashed French Colonial mansion. There was a swimming pool, patio and tennis court behind the main house, which had a four-car garage. The children’s area had a slide, jungle gym, etc. The living room was the size of a tennis court. Their bedroom suite was on the second floor. Bogart died in this room on January 14 1957. Bacall sold the house in 1958.

The family together

Where Bogart Got His Just Desserts

Pantages Theatre  6233 Hollywood Boulevard,  Hollywood, CA

The site where Bogart received his Academy Award for “The African Queen”.

Pantages Theatre (Hollywood) - Wikipedia
Pantages Theatre

Hang Outs

The Mocambo  8588 Sunset Boulevard  Hollywood CA  (site only)

It opened on January 3, 1941, closed in 1959, now a parking lot.
It was a favorite haunt of Bogart and Bacall, and whenever they came in the band would strike up “That Old Black Magic.”

87 Best Mocambo Club images | Hollywood, Old hollywood, Night club
The Mocambo

Romanoff’s  326 N. Rodeo Drive  Beverly Hills, CA

Romanoff was the namesake of one of the world’s greatest imposters. In 1937, a Lithuanian immigrant named Harry Gerguson arrived in Hollywood and began passing himself off as Prince Michael Romanoff, cousin to the late Czar of Russia. With his Old World manners and impeccable Oxford accent, this ebullient con man charmed his way into Tinseltown society and became much sought after for fancy soirees and polo matches. The studios even paid him a royal sum to act as a technical advisor on films with Russian locales. Everyone was in on the gag, of course; they let him get away with it because they loved having a man of such bottomless chutzpah around.

The original "Rat Pack"
The original “Rat Pack”. Seen from left to right, Humphrey Bogart; producer Sid Luft; Lauren Bacall; Judy Garland; Ellie Graham; agent Jack Entratter; restaurateur Mike Romanoff (partly hidden); Sinatra; Mrs. Romanoff; actor David Niven; and Mrs. Niven.

Bogart, when he wasn’t working, ate lunch here every day, and was the main office of the “Holmby Hill’s Rat Pack”.  A bronze plaque bearing his name hung above his favorite booth.  In 1951, Romanoff’s relocated to larger quarters on 240 S. Rodeo Drive, where there was a roof garden, a ballroom, and a VIP lounge.  On December 31, 1962, it was closed for good.

The Formosa Cafe  7156 Santa Monica Boulevard,  West Hollywood, CA.

Sits across the street from Warner Bros. Studios.  The walls of the cafe are lined with over 250 black & white photos of the stars who dined here in the past, besides Bogart you can see the likes of James Dean, Frank Sinatra, Paul Newman, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable, Marlon Brando, Jack Benny, Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Webb, Martin & Lewis, Grace Kelly… and these pics were autographed and hand-delivered by the celebrities themselves.

the Formosa Club
inside photo of the Formosa Cafe | Photo: 1933 Group

Chasen’s  9039 Beverly Boulevard  Beverly Hills, CA  (Closed)

Humphrey Bogart & Peter Lorre once got drunk together at Chasen’s bar and made off with the restaurant’s immense safe, which they rolled out the door and abandoned in the middle of Beverly Boulevard.


At one time Chasen’s was the most famous celebrity restaurant in town, the Spago of its day, renowned for its long list of movie stars and other celebrity diners. Clark Gable, Errol  Flynn, W.C. Fields, Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, Jack Benny, Howard Hughes, Marilyn Monroe, William Powell, Joan Crawford,  Alfred Hitchcock, John Kennedy, Groucho Marx, Jackie Gleason, James Cagney, Barbara Stanwyck, Alan Ladd, and F. Scott Fitzgerald were all regulars at Chasen’s, along with most of the Hollywood elite.

Musso and Frank Grill  6667 Hollywood Boulevard,   Hollywood, CA

At the northwest corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Cherokee Avenue (between Highland and Vine), you’ll find an old-fashioned restaurant that has become a Tinseltown landmark. Musso & Frank Grill is almost 80 years old, allowing it to lay claim to the title of “the oldest restaurant in Hollywood” -and it’s still one of the most popular.

Musso and Frank Grill
Musso and Frank Grill

Balboa Bay Club  1221 W Coast Hwy # 145,   Newport Beach, CA

Balboa Bay Club was once the summer getaway for the rich & famous; filled with movie stars back in its golden years.

Balboa Bay Club
Balboa Bay Club

Bogart & Bacall spent many happy hours aboard Bogey’s boats moored at Newport Bay. When they first met in 1944 on the set of “To Have & Have & Have Not,” Bogart was in the Coast Guard and used to dock his boat at Balboa to meet Bacall there.  She likes to tell the story of how Bogart once phoned her and told her that he was going to walk all the way from Newport to L.A. to meet her. She got in her car and headed south down the Pacific Coast Highway, and discovered him walking up the highway with a flower in his lapel. She thought it was very romantic.

Movie Studios

On October 24, 1947, 50 of Hollywood’s writers, producers, and actors charted a plane to fly to Washington D.C. to express their displeasure with House Un-American Activities Committee investigation in Hollywood.  Headed by Humphrey Bogart, and calling themselves “The Committee for the First Amendment”, fifty representatives included such people as Lauren Bacall, Groucho Marx, Frank Sinatra, John Huston, Ronald Reagan, and Danny Kaye. The committee for the 1st amendment not only tried to protect the rights of the “Hollywood Ten”, but also to protest the violation of the Constitutional rights.

Also in 1947, he started his own production company, Santana Pictures, named after his own boat.  He produced several movies including the wonderfully offbeat “Beat the Devil” with his old pal Peter Lorre.  Other movies produced by Santana are: Knock On Any Door (1949), Tokyo Joe (1949), In A Lonely Place (1950), and Sirocco (1951),

Warner Bros. Studio and Museum 4000 Warner Boulevard,   Burbank, CA.

Warner Bros Studios in Burbank has opened the new  Warner Bros Museum, the first such museum to be constructed on a studio lot. At 7,000 square feet, this is a good-sized place, part of the recently constructed Steven J. Ross Theater.  There’s a special area at the museum devoted strictly to “Casablanca,” which includes the film’s script, its costumes, and even the small piano on which Sam “played it again” for Rick.  One of the real Maltese Falcon props used in the movie.
You can also see the faux streets of “Paris” (where the flashback love scenes of “CASABLANCA” were filmed) during the tour of the Warner Bros Studios The streets are still there on the studio’s backlot.

Paramount Studios  860 N. Gower Street,  Hollywood, CA

Bogart filmed “The Dancing Town”, “Sabrina”, “We’re No Angels”, “The Desperate Hours”   here
Now the site of Sunset and Gower Studios

20th Century Fox  10201 Pico Boulevard (at Avenue of the Stars),  Century City, CA

Bogart was under contract to Fox on his first trip to California in     He made is first movie “Dancing Town” here
Columbia Pictures Studios  1438 N. Gower Street,  Hollywood, CA.

Movie Site Locations

Lone Pine and Mt. Whitney  CA   Location of “High Sierra”

Near Palm Springs  Location of “Sahara”

Los Angeles State and County Arboretum in Arcadia  301 N. Baldwin Avenue, Arcadia  CA

You certainly remember the scene where Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn trekked through leech-infested waters in  “The African Queen“. That and many other Hollywood scenes were filmed at the lagoon inside the arboretum.

Van Nuys Airport  16461 Sherman Way,  Van Nuys,  CA

The famous final airport runway scene in the 1942 classic “Casablanca”  was actually shot on the east side of the Van Nuys Airport.   The dilapidated hanger is no longer part of the nearby airport (it’s used for storage), and the old runway used in the movie is now a narrow alley called Waterman Drive. You’ll find the exact spot near Hanger 6 on the south side of Waterman Drive, just west of Woodley Avenue.  (Some books mistakenly identify the location as the Burbank Airport, since the existing control tower there closely resembles the old Art Deco “radio tower” at Van Nuys Airport – which was torn down in the 1960s).

Where Bogart Is Buried

His last picture was “The Harder They Fall” which was released in 1956.  In that same year, Humphrey Bogart was diagnosed with and treated for cancer of the esophagus, no doubt caused by his chain-smoking habits.  Complications arose and he died on January 14, 1957.

Humphrey Bogart's grave (photo)

Forestlawn Cemetary  1712 S. Glendale Avenue,  Glendale, CA.

The granddaddy of all cemeteries.  To get an idea of just how large this Glendale park is, consider that over a quarter of a million people have been buried there. Even with one of the maps, trying to locate a star’s grave here can be difficult.  To make matters worse, for some reason the cemetery refuses to give out any advice or directions when it comes to locating celebrities.  Humphrey Bogart’s gravesite is in a private garden, behind locked walls, with no entry for the public.  I don’t suggest going here if you are only going to see Bogie’s gravesite.

Where Bogart Is Immortalized

Mann’s Chinese Theatre  6925 Hollywood Boulevard,  Hollywood, CA

See his footprints in cement.

Bogart Handprints
from Sid Grumman’s famous sidewalk

Walk Of Fame  6322 Hollywood Boulevard,  Hollywood, CA

Humphrey Bogart  address of Bogie’s star on the walk of fame

Star on Walk of Fame

Movieland Wax Museum  7711 Beach Boulevard,  Buena Park, CA

Lifesized wax figures of Bogart and many classic movie actors.

“He was endowed with the greatest gift a man can have–talent.  The whole world came to recognize it…His life, though not a long one measured in years, was a rich full life…We have no reason to feel any sorrow for him–only for ourselves for having lost him.  He is quite irreplaceable, there will never be anybody like him”  – John Huston of Bogie, in his eulogy

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