Top Florida Thrill Rides & Rollercoasters

What comes to mind when you think of Florida holidays? Glorious beaches, pretty parks, alligators?! Top of most people’s list will be the impressive range of world-class thrill providing attractions that it boasts. Here’s a list of my personal top 7, take a look:

Kraken – Seaworld

Seaworld isn’t necessarily the first place that thrill-seekers on holidays to Orlando think of when they are looking for a large dose of adrenalin, but Kraken is up there with the best rides. Highly thought of by many coaster purists, it is the only floorless coaster in Orlando and one of the longest rides in Florida.

SheiKra – Busch gardens

Roller coasters don’t get much more thrilling than this floorless ride at Tampa’s Busch Gardens. Riders have one main reason to fear this attraction – a massive, 200ft drop that reaches 90°. What makes the experience worse is being held at the top for several seconds before plunging towards the ground at over 70mph. After this, you will barely even notice the following loop.

Bomb Bay – Wet ‘n Wild

Without a doubt, Bomb Bay is the ‘ride’ in this list with the shortest duration. That’s not to say that it is a walk in the park. Anyone brave enough to take it on has to step inside a capsule and await their release down a near-vertical slide, which is 76ft long. It’s all over in seconds, finishing when you reach the runway at the bottom, but the test is whether you have the mettle to make it to the top in the first place.

Tower of Terror – Disney’s Holywood Studios

Submerged in darkness, the Tower of Terror is an elevator unlike any other. Each ride is different, meaning you can never tell what will happen next. It is a unique attraction that really is terrifying!

The Incredible Hulk – Islands of Adventure

Arguably the centerpiece of Islands of Adventure, the Incredible Hulk has been around since 1999. This huge coaster propels riders out of the launch tube and through a range of loops and twists including a zero-g roll. At its fastest, the cars move at almost 70mph and reach heights of over 150ft.

Gwazi – Busch Gardens

There’s something about wooden roller coasters that adds a little bit of terror to the ride and Gwazi is one of the biggest around. It has two options, Lion and Tiger, which take two separate tracks and duel with each other throughout. Along the way the tracks pass each other six times, the most of any coaster. Heights of over 100ft are reached and at some points the cars top 50mph, which feels a lot faster when you are rattling along on the wooden tracks.

Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster – Disney’s Holywood Studios

A superb idea for a ride, the Rock ‘n’ Roller coaster is based on an Aerosmith music video. After the pre-show, riders are launched with incredible acceleration and experience more g-force than an astronaut at take-off.

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