Infants on Vacation: Childcare Options to Keep Your Sanity

Vacations with Childcare

Do you ever take a trip with your children only to return home feeling like you need another getaway? Traveling with children can provide some memorable moments, but it can also be a drain on your vitality and make you feel as if you are unable to fully enjoy your vacation.

Most people cannot afford to travel alone with their partner while leaving their children at home. Finding a family member or friend who is willing to watch your child for a week or more can be difficult! So, if you want to enjoy some date nights and adult activities while on vacation, you’ll need to think about child care.

For the better part of a decade, I had never considered hiring a babysitter while traveling.  However, if you want to do any activities that aren’t suitable for children, such as scuba diving or rock climbing, or even go out for a pleasant romantic dinner together, you’ll need to find some vacation childcare.

According to a recent study, 42 percent of children on vacation believe their parents are ignoring them. So, by hiring a babysitter to give you some alone time, you can ensure that your children receive your undivided attention during the time you spend together.

Daycare Centers at Your Destination

If you’re going away for a few weeks or the entire summer, you might want to consider full-time daycare options. Especially if your child is still too young to appreciate the trip. This way, you completely free up your time throughout the day for leisure activities.

Daycare Centers

The kids, too, require a break from time to time – away from the watchful, cautious eyes of their parents. Kids need time to be kids, and time to be together with other kids. Even if you only need vacation child care for a few hours while you and your partner go out to dinner, you’ll all benefit from the time apart.

See if there is a daycare center affiliated with yours where you’re vacationing. Child records can often be sent from your regular daycare to the place you’re going to for temporary or part-time care. You can also fill out any necessary registration forms ahead of time.

Many large daycare center chains can accommodate an additional child while on vacation, and you may be able to negotiate special rates or services not normally available at the routine location.

Bring Your Nanny on the Trip

Consider bringing your au pair, a professional nanny, or a teenager down the street who frequently watches your kids along for your trip if you want extra hands to ensure you have time to relax.

You might also bring your childcare, though you’ll most likely pay a small fortune in dollars or, if you bring a relative who will work “for free,” guilt. Whether you travel with a nanny or a jet-setting grandma, it’s especially important to plan the childcare schedule and overall trip interactions ahead of time, as this individual will be a participating member of your gang in a way that a part-time babysitter will not be.

Travel with Nanny
Travel with a Nanny

Bringing a vacation babysitter allows parents to spend time together as a couple, enjoy nightlife, and relax on the beach while knowing that their children are being cared for by a trusted person.

Ensure you’re confident in the person you choose and that you can rely on them to keep a close eye on your children. You should also expect to pay more for accommodations and entertainment. Connecting rooms could be a practical and cost-effective alternative.

Even if your nanny has a great time on your vacation and gets to do a lot of fun things, it is still a business trip for them. Even if you and your nanny are extremely close, they adore your children, and everyone has a good time, it is still NOT a vacation for your nanny.

You can give them plenty of downtime, but be clear that your nanny is working on the trip. Your nanny is not accompanying you on the trip with their own friends/family. Your nanny does not choose the location of your vacation. Your nanny is not in charge of planning your vacation activities. Nothing is being chosen by your nanny! Your nanny has been brought along solely for your convenience.

Hire a Local Babysitter or Travel Nanny

If you make a choice you don’t need full-time childcare but would like a few hours of uninterrupted adult time on your trip, look for a babysitter at your vacation spot. Ask your child’s usual caregiver for recommendations, and see if they have any connections in the area where you’re going.

When you have little ones running the show, taking a vacation may not feel relaxing! Vacation nannies provide much-needed relief from day-to-day parental responsibilities while also allowing parents to spend quality time together.

Travel Nanny

Babysitting directories are a perfect way to start your search. You should have no difficulty finding a local babysitter at your vacation spot if you post a job in the zip code you’ll be traveling to well in advance of your trip, especially if you’re traveling within your own country.

Online services, such as can connect you with a pool of dependable babysitters and nannies in your hometown or destination.

Please remember that babysitting agencies and the caregivers they employ must still be thoroughly vetted.  Do your homework ahead of time, check references, ask if they are CPR and First Aid certified, and make sure they have experience with children your age.

Hotels & Resorts with Child Care

Are you staying in hotel or resort? Many hotels provide on-site child care or night babysitting; parents should look up the details ahead of time to know what is available and have a pretty good idea of whether the kid clubs are appropriate for their family.

Make sure to inquire whether the offerings you are given are simply a collection of possibilities with no references or suggestions, or if they have been deemed as extremely competent or reputable services by mothers and childcare professionals. And, yes, there is a significant difference.

Resorts with Child Care by Nicola since 1972

While this option is layered with safeguards (hotels vet nanny agencies, which vet reliable caregivers), it’s still worthwhile to go through the process of getting to know your childcare provider ahead of time.

Even if you are traveling internationally, many hotels will promote their babysitting services on their website. Resorts are frequently designed with families in mind and include all of the necessary amenities. The amount you must pay for childcare, or whether you must pay at all, will vary from hotel to hotel. Some establishments may include some hours of free babysitting per day. Sites like Tripadvisor list hotels with babysitting services.

Kid-Friendly Cruises

Some cruise ships, like resorts and hotels, cater specifically to families with kids. They provide a variety of care options, as well as supervised learning activities for children, giving you plenty of opportunities to get some alone time.

Disney Magic Transatlantic Cruises

One kid-friendly cruise that immediately springs to mind is the Disney Cruise Line. It has plenty of activities for younger children, tweens, and teens. Are you thinking about taking a cruise for your next family vacation? You might be surprised at how many cruise ship options are available.

Drop-in Care

Just because you’re out of town, that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the city’s drop-in daycares and other childcare options. Drop-in childcare centers are appearing in an increasing number of cities, and the convenience and hours can provide parents with another childcare option.

Even if drop-in centers exist, I wouldn’t want to wait until the last minute. Find a daycare or childcare center in the area where you’ll be vacationing and contact them ahead of time. When you arrive at your destination, make an unannounced stop at the potential facility to inspect the premises before requiring childcare. Only after you have gathered enough information and are confident in the facility should you think about leaving your child there.

Vacation With Relatives

If you’re worried about taking your child on a trip by yourself, bring along some family members to help out! You can organize a multigenerational vacation and invite your parents, aunts and uncles, siblings, or anyone else you want. This way, you can relax while your children spend quality time with family members.

Take the Extended Family on a Cruise

Bring grandparents along to make this a true family vacation. In an era when many of our parents live in different cities, states, or time zones from their grandchildren. A trip can advance bonds that are far stronger than a quick holiday visit to Grandpa’s house. In addition, if they are willing, grandmas make excellent babysitters.

This may be less expensive than paying a babysitter or bringing your nanny, but you can go into the vacation with the understanding that it is now a family affair. You can offer to cover some of their travel expenses in exchange for having a family member babysit for you for a night or two on the trip.

Vacation with Another Family

Consider sharing the cost of a comfy Airbnb or vacation rental with another family. A two-family vacation more than doubles the number of adults available to supervise the children. One set of parents can stay at home during nap times or after late-night bedtime, while the other can go on non-kid-friendly outings, such as a strenuous hike or an evening of live music. Child care is provided for free by taking turns childminding.

Final Word

Before you leave for your vacation, make sure you have proper childcare arranged; this is critical to getting the time you need to unwind. You’ll need a dependable babysitter or childcare solution for your journey. You won’t be able to decompress completely unless you have the comfort that a good babysitter provides. Even if you’re using hotel or resort staff, evaluating your vacation childcare providers can help ease anxiety that your children are in good hands.

If the thought of hiring a babysitter on vacation makes you nervous, but you want to challenge yourself, you don’t have to go far. Dinner downstairs at the hotel can be a good start. If you’re truly panicking, try another plan, such as a lunch date while your child naps in a stroller.

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