If you’re looking for a vacation that’s a little out of the ordinary, you might want to consider a trip to Anchorage, Alaska. When most people think of Alaska, images of snow and cold come to mind, but the truth is that the climate in this area isn’t like that all year long. In fact, there are quite a few things that you can see and enjoy if you decide to stay in this lovely area for your vacation. There are a number of activities set up year-round so that people can enjoy this beautiful area – even when it might seem like an off-peak season.
During the summer, a lot of people who choose to visit Anchorage find that the vibrant colors of the flowers are something to be marveled at. There are more than four hundred and fifty different flower beds in the city and, when visiting, you’ll definitely notice the many different types of flowers and how they affect the city landscape. However, there aren’t just flowers on display, as Anchorage is home to some of the largest vegetables you’ll ever see!
Alaskan Culture
One thing that many people enjoy when they visit Anchorage is experiencing the many different cultures that are present in Alaska. One way that you can learn about and fully experience these cultural differences while you’re there is to visit the Alaska Native Heritage Center. This is an interesting and unique set of exhibits that will help you to learn about the different people that have inhabited Alaska over the years and will give you a broader understanding of this land and how it has evolved over the years.
This museum is a great way to learn about the native peoples of the area through outdoor village replicas, films, and even interactive performing arts. If after touring the museum you’re still interested in learning more about Alaska and its interesting past, you can take part in personal walks or guided tours of the city and outlying areas.
Alaska Zoo
Another thing that you can do in Anchorage is to visit the Alaska Zoo. This is a fun activity that families can enjoy together, as you’ll be able to experience a variety of different Alaska animals in an up-close and personal setting. The zoo also offers some special programs that you can take part in, which will help to keep the kids entertained. You’ll want to make sure that you check with the zoo’s website ahead of time to see if there are any special programs or exhibits that will be there while you’re in town so that you can properly plan your vacation.
While you may think of Anchorage as being a part of the frozen north, the truth is that there is plenty of fun and excitement to be found in the area year-round. From zoos to museums to beautiful plant and animal life, there’s something for everyone in Anchorage, Alaska. No matter what your vacation tastes may be, you’ll surely find something for you and your family to enjoy in this fascinating city.