Dallas JFK Tour

JFK Tour in Dallas

Our 1 hour JFK Experience tour will keep you on the edge of your seat, we take you back in time to that fatal day November 22nd, 1963. Our JFK Experience tour will show you the dark side of Oak Cliff Dallas the exact location of Oswald’s home, Officer JD Tippit’s murder scene, Jack Ruby’s murder of Oswald, and The legendary Texas Theater. Come relive and experience the past with us as our Actor / Narrator will show you what really happened that day!!

This JFK EXPERIENCE tour is all about the JFK assassination, we take you back in time to relive a minute-by-minute journey of what happened on November 22nd, 1963. On this tour, you will enter Oswald’s rooming house where you will get to ask questions and get answers from a once 11-year-old girl that actually knew Lee Harvey Oswald. Pat Hall is now all grown up and owns the home left to her by her grandmother Gladys Johnson.

  • School Book Depository
  • X Marks the spot 3 rifle shot placement
  • ​Grassy Knoll
  • Lee Harvey Oswald’s Rooming House
  • Officer Tippit’s Memorial (Step Out Location)
  • The Texas Theater
  • Lee Harvey Oswald’s Apartment
  • Video Tribute to the Kennedy Family

JFK Assassination Tour

Of course, the tour will include walking Dealey Plaza, covering both the history of the Plaza itself, along with the events of November 22, 1963. We can tailor the length of the tour to fit your needs, and time constraints.

We will provide transportation for up to 4 people to various related locations. We can also provide larger vehicles, or even a coach bus for up to 50 people if your group should require it.

You should also plan on going through The Sixth Floor Exhibit at Dealey Plaza, either just before, or just after the tour. (A tour through the exhibit is annoying to the other patrons, so silence is the rule.)

Additionally, the tour will include the Oak Cliff sites, where Oswald lived, the shooting of Officer J. D. Tippit, and the escape and arrest of Oswald. Optional areas of Oak Cliff include various houses in which the Oswalds lived, the apartment house where Jack Ruby lived, and other locations of interest.

Depending on your time requirements, we can also include Love Field and the Motorcade Route, the former house of Edwin Walker, Parkland Hospital, and the Dallas Trade Mart. Naturally, we will also swing by the Dallas Police Department where Oswald was shot. The tour can also be tailored (time permitting) to include the former Ruth Paine house, as well as Rose Hill Cemetery, where Oswald is buried. Other locations of interest are often added, as our guest’s interests are determined.

What’s on the JFK Tour?

The JFK Tour in Dallas is the perfect way to explore the history of one of the most consequential and tragic events in United States history. Taking a guided tour allows you to immerse yourself in the events that transpired on November 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Here’s a brief overview of some of the key sights to take in on the tour:

  • Presidential motorcade route along Harwood, Main, and Elm streets downtown.
  • The Old Texas School Book Depository (now The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza), 411 Elm St., where Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shots that killed JFK.
  • Dealey Plaza and the grassy knoll, along Elm near the Triple Underpass.
  • The Oak Cliff boarding house where Oswald lived, 1026 N. Beckley Ave.
  • Scene of Officer J.D. Tippit’s slaying, 404 E. 10th St.
  • The Texas Theater, 421 Jefferson Blvd., where Oswald was arrested.
  • The old Dallas city jail, 106 S. Harwood, where Jack Ruby shot Oswald.
  • The former site of the Lee Harvey Oswald Apartment

Presidential Motorcade Route

The tour begins at the corner of Main Street and Houston Street, which marks the beginning of Kennedy’s ill-fated motorcade route through Dallas. Here you’ll have an opportunity to imagine what it must have been like for people along the route to witness this momentous event.

The Old Texas School Book Depository

This building, located at 411 Elm St, is the spot from where shots were fired that ultimately took the life of President John F. Kennedy. The sixth floor and east window of the Texas School Book Depository are now a major tourist attraction and a powerful reminder of this fateful day.

Dealey Plaza and the Grassy Knoll

As you move further along, you’ll reach Dealey Plaza, which is considered by many as “the most famous plaza in America”. It’s here where witnesses heard gunfire that seemingly came from multiple directions, leading to speculation of a possible second shooter. You’ll also get to see the infamous grassy knoll that has long captivated visitors with its mysterious allure.

The Oak Cliff Boarding House

Lee Harvey Oswald stayed at the Oak Cliff boarding house before his arrest. On this stop, you’ll get to explore this dwelling and gain deeper insight into Oswald’s movements prior to his apprehension.

Scene of Officer J.D. Tippit’s Slaying

Shortly after the assassination, Officer J.D Tippit was killed in Oak Cliff under mysterious circumstances. The tour brings you to the exact location where he was slain and provides a rich narrative about the events that occurred after Kennedy’s passing.

The Texas Theater

This historic theater is where Lee Harvey Oswald was apprehended by law enforcement officers mere hours after Kennedy’s death. During the tour, you’ll be able to observe a recreation of the theater and gain greater insight into Oswald’s apprehension.

The Old Dallas City Jail

After being arrested at the Texas Theater, Oswald was detained at this very jail. Learn more about Oswald’s time spent here and come away with a different perspective on justice and civil liberties.

The Former Site of the Lee Harvey Oswald Apartment

Visit this site and imagine what went through Oswald’s mind as he stayed here during his time as a fugitive. Hear stories about everyday life in Dallas during JFK’s presidency and how it changed following his death.

JFK Narrations

What is a JFK Narration?

  • JFK Experience will explore in detail a specific area of Kennedy’s life.
  • Each narration is accompanied by a corresponding slide presentation.
  • Each narration is accompanied by professional voice-over artists, who depict characters in Kennedy’s life. i.e. Rose, WWII shipmates, historical characters, neighbors, friends, political associates, etc
  • Each narration is meticulously researched and discloses obscure but factual quotes, attitudes, and opinions.
  • Most narrations are 20 to 30 minutes in length.

JFK Narrations offer the audience a chance to “drill down” into a segment of Kennedy’s life. They also explore major historical events. Audiences are encouraged to study or prepare for a JFK Narration by performing their own research in order to ask timely and insightful questions.

Lieutenants Kennedy

This narration follows John & Joseph Kennedy and their naval careers, beginning with their draft registration, through basic and advanced training, and ending with their service in the South Pacific (John) and England. (Joseph)

Meet and listen to these characters:  The Ambassador, Joe, Jr., Lem Billings, John D. Bulkeley, John D. Harllee, Inga “Binga” Arvad, as well as several servicemen who served side by side with Joe, Jr. and Jack.

  • What did the brothers say about registering for the draft?
  • Inga “Binga” as the First lady?
  • If Jack had such a bad back, then why ride a PT?
  • After Jack became a “hero”, what did Brother Joe say and do?
  • How did “Shafty” get the new nickname “Crash?”
  • How driven was Joe, Jr. to prove himself, and at what cost?
  • What did the wartime letters of Joe, Jr., and Jack reveal about them?
  • To whom was the Ambassador’s first phone call after Joe, Jr’s death?
  • How did the Ambassador and Rose deal with Joe, Jr’s death?
  • What did Jack write about Joe’s death and Dad’s ambition?

Voice-over talent who contributed to this narration –  Steve Phillips, Cynthia Small, Jerry Goodwin, Annie Kerins, Mike Alexander Cook, Heather Bonin, Steve Friedman, Julia Short, and Fred Giokas.

Growing up Kennedy & I’m a Mucker!

This narration follows the Kennedys from their home on Beals Street, in Brookline MA. to Riverdale/Bronxville, NY. It also follows the oldest Kennedy children to exclusive boarding schools.

Meet and listen to these characters:  The Ambassador, Rose,  Eunice, Kathleen, Lem Billings, Kennedy maids/servants, neighbors in MA & NY, school chums, business associates of the Ambassador, Choate faculty and staff, and Dr. Prescott Lecky.

  • What did Rose say about motherhood?
  • How religious was the early Kennedy home?
  • What did the Ambassador say about Boston and being Catholic?
  • Why was dinner so important?
  • Does Daddy really know Gloria Swanson?
  • Dad wants “only winners in this house!”
  • Is Mom always on her knees or at a Paris fashion show?
  • Joe, Jr. is a big brother and surrogates Mom and Dad.
  • If Jack doesn’t try, then he can’t fail. Right?
  • Lem and Jack, are fast friends forever and “Muckers at heart.”
  • Choate Years: How could 2 brothers be so different?
  • The Depression: More money, more homes, and more servants.

Voice-over talent who contributed to this narration –  Phyllis Gordon, Jerry Goodwin, Mike Bellin, Heather Bonin, Mike Brown, Cynthia Small, Dave, Cook, Kevin Groppe, Annie Kerins, Mike Alexander Cook, Ted Zalewski, Steve Friedman, and Erik Bloomquist.

 PT 109: A Hero in McHale’s Navy

This narration follows Jack Kennedy’s career from PT school in Melville, Rhode Island to the South Pacific as a replacement officer. – From Tulagi Island to Russell Island and finally to engage the enemy at Rendova Island.

Meet and listen to these characters: Al Cluster, Jim Reed, Leonard Nikoloric, Allen H. Harris, Red Fay, Thomas Warfield, Kennedy’s PT crew, Hank Brantingham, William Liebenow, John Lowrey, and others.

  • What did Admiral Halsey think of PT boats?
  • What did Japanese records reveal about PT boats?
  • Hear the song that US sailors sang about PT boats.
  • Why were there 13 onboard Kennedy’s PT on Aug 1, 1943?
  • How fearless was Reginald Evans? You know, the Australian?
  • If they go down the slot, shouldn’t they come up with the slot?
  • Why is only one engine in gear? Is that normal? Or regulation?
  • What did Commander Warfield say about Kennedy’s command?
  • Was anyone listening to 109’s radio when the Amagiri was in sight?
  • One reporter on the scene thought Lennie Thom was a hero. Why?
  • What did Brother Joe, Jr. write to Jack and say about the 109?
  • Was the 109 the only PT boat rammed “by the target?”
  • After the sinking, Jack was determined to get revenge. At what cost?
  • After all, this, who were Harold Marney & Andrew Jackson Kirksey?
  • Was Jack ever comfortable with the hero label?

Voice-over talent who contributed to this narration: Steve “Gags” Gagliastro, Kage Yami, John Horrigan, Jeff Bellin, Dave Cook, Kevin Groppe, Eric Bloomquist, Dave Cook & Mike Alexander

JFK & Civil Rights

This narration briefly touches upon JFK’s early civil rights record. (1946 – 1956)  However, the audience is drawn into more detail as Kennedy seriously contemplates a run for the White House in 1957. The narration focuses on Kennedy’s reluctance to confront fellow Democrats from the South and reveals that his cautious approach helped create a more robust, combative, and violent civil rights movement.

Meet and listen to these characters: Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Vice-President Johnson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Senator Richard Russell, Ruth Baston, Jackie Robinson, Father Hesburgh, Harris Wofford, Governor George Wallace, Malcolm X, Governor Ross Barnett, and others.

  • Was Kennedy liberal, conservative, or pragmatic with respect to Civil Rights? You decide.
  • Why were Kennedy’s friends in the Senate and House Southerners?
  • Was Kennedy more sensitive to race early in his career?
  • Did Robert Kennedy evolve on the issue of race before his brother?
  • What did Martin Luther King, Jr. say about the President and his policies?
  • Which was more important in the spring of ’61 – the Freedom Riders or the Vienna Summit?
  • Was Martin Luther King, Jr’s organization being pressured by the actions of SNCC and CORE?
  • What secret conversation did Robert Kennedy threaten to reveal that opened the door at Ole Miss?
  • If Harris Wofford was so committed to the cause of Civil Rights, why did he leave the administration?
  • Why was Kennedy fearful of the ’63 “March on Washington?”
  • If Kennedy had not been assassinated, then would his Civil Rights bill have passed?
  • If “Executive Action” was better than “Legislation”, then why were so many in the CR movement angry?
  • Birmingham, Alabama was called “Bombingham” for good reason. It “lit the fuse.”

Cuban Missile Crisis

This narration focuses on the meetings of the Executive Committee of the National Security Council. (Ex-Com) All material is drawn from the actual tapes of these meetings. The audience gets to listen to the advice JFK received from “Ex-Com” members, the JCS, and key members of Congress. And Mike responds with the actual words Kennedy used during those tension-filled 13 days. This narration reveals President Kennedy’s effort to resist the advice of the military and to find a solution to what he saw as a political problem.

Meet and listen to these characters: George Ball, McGeorge Bundy, Douglas Dillon, Roswell Gilpatric, Lyndon Johnson, Alexis Johnson, Robert Kennedy, Edwin Martin, John McCone, Robert McNamara, Paul Nitze, Dean Rusk, Maxwell Taylor, Llewelyn Thompson, Senator Russell, Senator Fullbright, General Curtis Lemay, and others.

More JFK Assassination Tour Resources

JFK Tour Menu
The following is a list of what I offer on the JFK Assassination Tour. Since your tour will be custom-designed to your specifications, I recommend that you read over this list before calling to schedule your tour. Basic JFK 101 Tour ( 2 Hours) Dealey Plaza and the Grassy Knoll) and a drive-through of the major locations – Oswald’s rooming

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Tripadvisor | JFK Assassination and Museum Tour with Lee …
JFK Assassination and Museum Tour with Lee Harvey Oswald Rooming House cancellation policy: For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience. Discover and book JFK Assassination and Museum Tour with Lee Harvey Oswald Rooming House on Tripadvisor

jfkassassinationtours.com Blog – Just another WordPress site
Just another WordPress site Sample Page. This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

JFK Assassination Historical Tour + Sixth Floor Museum …
Rated #1 JFK Tour in Dallas. This unique, live narrated bus tour will revisit the events that changed American history on November 22nd, 1963. Most people are familiar with the Sixth Floor Museum (entrance to the museum is optional), the site from which Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly fired the deadly shots, but we will also take you on an unforgettable journey back in time to explore other places …

The Sixth Floor Museum – The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey …
JFK Assassination Timeline. Explore the timeline. Interactive Motorcade Map. Eyewitness to History: An Interactive Map of the Kennedy Motorcade. The Collections. … The Sixth Floor Museum is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that depends upon the generosity of donors for support.

Tripadvisor | JFK Assassination Bus Tour + Oswald Rooming …
While in Dallas, learn about President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination during a guided bus tour that takes you to key sites related to the tragic event. Ride in air-conditioned comfort to locations where you can see the presidential motorcade route, Grassy Knoll, Dealey Plaza, and John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza.

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We are Big D Fun Tours, offering the official City of Dallas Tour, the Award-Winning JFK Tour as well as the only Hop-On-Hop-Off Sightseeing Tour of Dallas, all narrated by professional tour guides. We have a passion for creating experiences that will inspire interest, amazement, adventure, laughter, and fun, all while leaving smiles on faces.

JFK assassination tour
JFK assassination trolley tour. Welcome to the Original Sightseeing Tours of Dallas. We operate Dallas’ premier sightseeing tours in our classic “Old-Time red Trolleys. Known as “BIG D” Dallas has played a crucial role in the story of America. See more than 30 Attractions on our 75 min city tour.

JFK Tour Guide
the assassination. Through him and others I have had the privilege to know and learn from – eyewitnesses, other police officers, investigators, and other noted historians – I have acquired a knowledge of the JFK Assassination that I love sharing with others. Thus, a tour is born…or, should I say, one of my tours.

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The unique live narrated walking tour will take you on an unforgettable journey back in time to 1963 to see the places and re-live the events of the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

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JFK Custom Tours offers your customized tour in a fully restored 1963 Lincoln Convertible Kennedy Car. Choose from a customized Dallas motorcade tour, a tour of the President’s events in Fort Worth on the morning of November 22, 1963, or a combination of both.

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JFK Assassination without Museum Tour(Includes Lee Harvey …
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JFK Assassination Tours – Home | Facebook
JFK Assassination Tours. 295 likes. Jerry Dealey – member of the Dealey family Dealey Plaza is named after, has given JFK Assassination and Dallas history tours over 30 yrs. DealeyTours.com

JFK Custom Tours I Our Story
Mike has spent 50+ years as a JFK researcher. Having been an actual eye witness to the assassination, Mike brings a unique perspective! Mike Brownlow stood in front of the the Dal-Tex Building at the corner Elm St. and North Houston St. on November 22, 1963 at just 13 years old, but has a perfect recollection of the event.

The best JFK assassination tour of Dallas, Texas
Any JFK-themed tour of Dallas needs to include Dealey Plaza — the site of the president’s assassination. The plaza is a city park in the West End district and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1993 in commemoration of the tragic incident that occurred there.

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Stand at the grassy knoll assassination site and find the X’s on Elm Street that mark where the two shots were fired. Take a moment to reflect in the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza. Your tour guide will share the various conspiracy theories as you look up at the infamous sniper’s perch window.

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The Great JFK Assassination Tour Our experienced guides will take you back to November 1963. Your guide will give you a view of historical Dealey Plaza, Texas School Book Depository and The Sixth Floor JFK Museum.

JFK Custom Tours I Dallas, Texas
*Above: Robin’s car on display at the JFK Lancer Conference at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas, TX OUR STORY Robin Brown has studied the JFK Assassination for over 45 years and owns a fully restored 1963 Lincoln Convertible “Kennedy Car” to give customized tours in.

JFK Custom Tours I Dallas, Texas
The Lancer Tour Time: 4 Hours Cost: $400 (total cost for up to 5 people) This tour INCLUDES the Kennedy Car. A dreamlike view only seen from the lens of Abraham Zapruder’s camera comes to life in this recreation of President Kennedy’s last moments where he transcended mortality into the mythical figure that still holds the world’s fascination over 50 years later.

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